Parenting Style *************** **Summary** The questions on the parenting style were taken from the Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics (pairfam) project’s parenting questionnaire (Wendt et. al., 2011). The 18 items can be combined into six scales: “emotional warmth,” “inconsistent parenting,” “monitoring,” “negative communication,” “psychological control,” and “strict control.” The questions on parenting style have been asked in the SOEP since 2010 in the questionnaire for parents of children aged 7-8 years. **Theoretical Background** The scale “emotional warmth” comprises three items indicating the degree of affirmative attention and care in parenting. The items are based on mothers’ and fathers’ actual parenting behavior (see the corresponding scale of Jaursch, 2003, based on Perris et al., 1980, and Schuhmacher, Eisemann, & Brähler, 1999). The scale “inconsistent parenting” comprises three items indicating the degree of inconsistent behavior in parenting. The items are based on a questionnaire on parenting from Reichle and Franiek (2005). The scale “monitoring” comprises three items indicating the degree to which parents are informed about their child’s activities and social contacts. The items are based on a questionnaire on parenting from Reichle and Franiek (2005). The scale “negative communication” comprises three items indicating the degree to which parents behave negatively toward their child. The items are based on the instrument developed by Schwarz, Walper, Gödde, and Jurasic (1997). The scale “psychological control” consists of three items. The items assess negative intrusive thoughts, feelings, and behavior of parents toward their child and are a shortened and adapted version of the scale “psychological pressure” from the “Zurich Brief Questionnaire for the Assessment of Parental Behaviors” (Reitzle et al. 2001). The scale “strict control” comprises three items indicating harsh control and authoritarian behavior of parents. The items are based on the instrument of Schwarz et al. (1997). **Scale Development** Information on the scale development can be found in the documentation of pairfam (Wendt et. al., 2011). **References** *Perris, C., Jacobsson, L., Lindström, H., von Knorring, L., & Perris, H. (1980). Development of a new inventory for assessing memories of parental rearing behaviour. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 61, 265-274.* *Jaursch, Stefanie, 2003. Erinnertes und aktuelles Erziehungsverhalten von Müttern und Vätern: Intergenerationale Zusammenhänge und kontextuelle Faktoren. Dissertation. Friedrich- Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.* *Reichle, B., & Franiek, S. (2005). Erziehungsstil aus Elternsicht - Erweiterte deutsche Version des Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (EDAPQ) (Expanded GermanVersion of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire). Hochschule Ludwigsburg: Institut für Pädagogische Psychologie und Soziologie.* *Reitzle, M., Winkler Metzke, C., & Steinhausen, H.-C. (2001). Eltern und Kinder: Der Zürcher Kurzfragebogen zum Erziehungsverhalten (Zurich Brief Questionnaire for the Assessment of Parental Behaviors). Diagnostica, 47, 196-207.* *Schumacher, J., Eisemann, M., & Brähler, E. (1999). Rückblick auf die Eltern: Der Fragebogen zum erinnerten elterlichen Erziehungsverhalten (FEE). Diagnostika, 45, 194-204.* *Schwarz, B., Walper, S., Gödde, M., & Jurasic, S. (1997). Dokumentation der Erhebungsinstrumente der 1. Haupterhebung (überarb. Version). Berichte aus der Arbeitsgruppe “Familienentwicklung nach der Trennung,” 14.* *Wendt, E.-V., Schmahl, F., Thönnissen, C., Schaer, M., & Walper, S.). Scales Manual of the German Family Panel. pairfam (Panel Analysis of Intimate Relationships and Family Dynamics). Bremen, Chemnitz, Munich.* **Items** Emotional Warmth 1. I show my child with words and gestures that I care about him/her (Ich zeige meinem Kind mit Worten und Gesten, dass ich es gerne habe). 2. I console child up when he/she is sad (Ich tröste mein Kind, wenn es traurig ist). 3. I praise my child (Ich lobe mein Kind). Scale: 1 (Never / nie) to 5 (Frequently / sehr häufig) Inconsistent Parenting 1. I reduce punishments or end them early (Ich schwäche eine Bestrafung ab oder hebe sie vorzeitig auf). 2. I threaten my child with a punishment but don’t actually follow through (Ich drohe meinem Kind eine Strafe an, bestrafe es aber dann doch nicht). 3. I find it hard to set and keep consistent rules for my child (Es fällt mir schwer in meiner Erziehung konsequent zu sein). Scale: 1 (Never / nie) to 5 (Frequently / sehr häufig) Monitoring 1. I try to actively influence my child’s circle of friends (Ich versuche den Freundeskreis meines Kindes aktiv zu beeinflussen). 2. When my child goes out, I ask what he/she did and experienced (Wenn mein Kind unterwegs war, frage ich nach, was es getan und erlebt hat). 3. When my child goes out, I know exactly where he/she is (Wenn mein Kind außer Haus ist, weiß ich genau, wo es sich aufhält). Scale: 1 (Never / nie) to 5 (Frequently / sehr häufig) Negative Communication 1. I criticize my child (Ich kritisiere mein Kind). 2. I yell at my child when he/she does something wrong (Ich schreie mein Kind an, wenn es etwas falsch gemacht hat). 3. I scold my child when I am angry at him/her (Ich beschimpfe mein Kind, weil ich wütend auf es bin). Scale: 1 (Never / nie) to 5 (Frequently / sehr häufig) Psychological Control 1. I am disappointed and sad when my child misbehaves (Ich bin enttäuscht und traurig, wenn sich mein Kind schlecht benommen hat). 2. I think my child is ungrateful when he/she does not obey me (Ich halte mein Kind für undankbar, wenn es mir nicht gehorcht). 3. I don’t talk to my child for a while when he/she does something wrong (Ich rede eine Zeit lang nicht mit meinem Kind, wenn es etwas angestellt hat). Scale: 1 (Never / nie) to 5 (Frequently / sehr häufig) Strict Control 1. I tend to be a strict parent (Ich bin eher streng zu meinem Kind). 2. If my child does something against my will, I punish him/her (Wenn mein Kind etwas gegen meinen Willen tut, bestrafe ich es). 3. I make it clear to my child that he/she is not to break my rules or question my decisions (Ich gebe meinem Kind zu verstehen, dass es sich meinen Anordnungen und Entscheidungen nicht widersetzen soll). Scale: 1 (Never / nie) to 5 (Frequently / sehr häufig) **Items and Scale Statistics** .. csv-table:: :file: csv/17_parentingstyle.csv :header-rows: 1 :class: longtable :widths: 2 2 2 1 1 2 1